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Our engagements

Our commitments are based on the international charter of fair trade.

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"Fair trade is based on modes of production and exchange placing Man and the environment before the search for financial profit"

Work for a social economy

Create favorable conditions for fair trade.

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Solidestinations applies its values ​​in contracts and commercial transactions, placing human relations rather than profit maximization at the heart of its activities.

Commit jointly

Achieve inclusive economic growth.

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Solidestinations is committed to building social capital through collaboration between inclusive and democratic organizations, which actively support education , health and social infrastructure within our community, in order to distribute the most widely possible profits from trade.

Act for a better distribution of wealth

Offer a decent work contract and help improve wages and incomes.

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Solidestinations strives to establish a fair and decent wage for its employees and guarantees its partners, small farmers and artisans, fair compensation in exchange for their services and products.

Solidestinations promotes respect for international conventions concerning freedom of association and collective bargaining, the elimination of all discrimination, the prevention of all forced labor, and the establishment of a safe and healthy working environment.

Engage with women and for equity

Empower women.

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Although women provide most of the labor in tea growing and agriculture in general, it is often difficult for them to freely access land or credit that would allow them to fully benefit from their income. economic activity and opportunities for social and economic development. Women have the right to receive equal pay and treatment as men, and to have access to the same opportunities.

Solidestinations not only respects the principle of non-discrimination, but also strives to exclusively promote women within its activities in particular in decision-making, project management and promote positive change at a larger scale. All the women working with us benefit from training to move towards more and more responsibilities and autonomy.

Highlight education

Protect children's rights and invest in the next generation.

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Solidestinations supports organizations and projects that promote better understanding within communities of the importance of the welfare of the child, his school needs and their right to play. Especially for small and young girls.

Solidestinations offers these young girls and children (within the framework of educational sponsorships ) the choice of a more promising future , close to their families and within their communities, by allowing them to develop the skills required for their future professional life. , thanks to a lot of training and meetings . They can thus embody powerful models of academic, social and professional success for other young people and children.

Commit to the environment

Preserve biodiversity and the environment.

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Good environmental practices, including protection of soil and water resources and reduction of energy consumption from the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, reduction and recycling of waste, are the responsibility of all the players involved in our production, distribution and consumption chain.

Commitment to a responsible citizen

Involve citizens in building a more equitable world.

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Our distribution chain and our communication actions foster relationships between us, our staff, our partners and consumers. We hope that the growing presence of fair trade products on traditional markets illustrates the power that consumers “actors” exercise through their consumption choices. Informing them about the impact of their purchasing acts contributes to responsible and united consumption.

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If you would like more information or to receive a sample of our artisanal tea, do not hesitate to contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.

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